Cheesecake Stuffed Baked Apples

Hello Twinklerinas,

Here is this palatable recipe to dish out at your holiday gathering.  To whip up this mouthwatering cheesecake stuffed baked apples you will need only 6 ingredients.  I top them off with caramel sauce, Graham cracker crumbs and crushed peppermint.  You can choose your own toppings.  This recipe is all over the internet but there are 2 ingredients that I totally used on my own.  For example,  most people used Gala apples and I chose Pink Lady apples.  I must admit that that is my favorite apple.   I decided to make my apples look festive by adding crushed peppermint to compliment the season.  Keep scrolling for the recipe.

My son said this is heaven in an apple!  

Drizzled with caramel and sprinkled with Graham crackers crumb


Sprinkled with crushed peppermint



You'll need:

6 Pink Lady Apples
1 Medium Egg
1 Teaspoon Cinnamon
1/4 Cup Sugar
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
8 Ounces Cream Cheese (soften)

1. Cut the tops of the apples and scoop out the insides.  I used a melonballer.

2.  In a medium bowl cream together cream cheese and sugar until smooth.  Mix in vanilla , egg and cinnamon until smooth.  Fill each apples 2/3 full with the cheesecake mixture.

3.  Put each apple on a baking sheet and bake at 350˚ for 20 -25 minutes until cheese cake filing is set.  Transfer to a plate and put in refrigerator until full cooled.

4.  Served at room temperature or chilled.  Top it off with you choice of topping.  I used graham crackers, caramel and crushed peppermint.

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